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Public Message From Our Lady Of Emmitsburg To Gianna Talone-Sullivan – February 24, 1994

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

I am your Mother of Joy, who so desires you to live in a world of Peace.

But peace does not exist, because there is division.

There is division because of the conflict which exists in the moral values in the world.

My little, little children, do not alter your standards of following the Gospel in order to satisfy the needs of others.

Never deviate from the Truth of His Word.

You cannot please men by jeopardizing your freedom and living deceitful ways of life.

The only way to freedom is by living the Truth outlined by My Son.

He has given you His Word.

You cannot change His words and live dishonest lives and conceive that Peace could even exist.

There is only one way and that way is the Way of my Son in His Word of the Gospel.

He is your God. There is only one God.

I plead with you that you hold fast to His Word and not deviate from His stance on Truth, or you will suffer tremendously through the hands of man.

I love you, my little ones, and bless you.

I desire you to be happy and free, but you must return to God and live the Truth of His Word.

Killings of all sorts, greed, abuse, selfishness, anger, malice, dishonesty, adultery and other sexual disgraces, both self-induced and those on children, men and women, are vices which prevent your freedom.

Reconcile your sins and live in His Truth.

Thank you for responding to my call.


(Our Lady was very serious, yet Her words were in a loving tone. She was sorrowful with tears in Her eyes. Killings of all sorts included abortions. Sexual disgraces of men and women were those of homosexuality.)

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