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Writer's pictureTotus Tuus

Public Message From Our Lady Of Emmitsburg To Gianna Talone-Sullivan – April 28, 1994

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

My dear little children, praise be Jesus!

My little ones, you are so consumed with the fear of my authenticity that you are failing to see how the Lord in His Humility has allowed me to be here with you.

Focus on Jesus in the Eucharist and trust in Him.

Fear God, that you might not offend Him in self-pride and self- righteousness.

Be humble, love Him, implore His mercy, and adore Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

But do not fear whether you are being deceived in trying to authenticate my presence.

I belong to God. You belong to God.

Remember, a house not of God will divide itself.

Put your fears to rest and hope in the Resurrected Christ!

There is no time for fear. There is time for change.

You are all novices in the knowledge of His most merciful Love.

Remove yourself and allow my Son to be your God.

Remove the idolatry you have formed in yourself and have placed higher than He.

He is your God, and I have been allowed to come here to implore you to focus on Him, trust Him and return back to Him.

I plead with you not to advocate abortion as a form of population control.

My little ones, please notice the destruction and desolation and desecration which result from destroying the Temple of God.

Life is your gift. Life is a treasure and not a burden.

Abuse it and my Son will take it away from you.

Please heed my warning in His Name.

Please pray before my Son in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and implore His Mercy and grace to enlighten you with His Truth of Life.

Peace, my little ones, and thank you for responding to this most serious call.


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